Monday, 19 October 2009

Hairy Potter

Oh dear oh dear... what have we here? Harry Potter aged 80? I think JK Rowling would find it hard to claim copyright infringement here as there's very little likeness to any of the characters in her books.

You can click the image above for the full-sized horror, but I've zoomed in on the worst bit below to save you the bother...

Thanks to Becky E for this photo!


  1. I think they did a pretty good job on Hagrid, but Harry? WTF???

  2. That's not Harry, it's Hans Moleman wearing a wig

  3. I like the permed old lady round hair on HP there.

  4. It doesn't look like a 80 year old Harry Potter, it looks like a 80 years old lady.

  5. I don't know about the hair, but that broom sure has an unfortunate color and placing.
